SEO Glossary of Terms


We know learning all the intricate details of SEO jargon and language can want to become familiar with another dialect. To assist you with understanding all the new terms we’re tossing at you, we’ve arranged a section by-part SEO glossary with definitions and supportive connections. You may need to bookmark this page for future reference!

Section 1: SEO 101

10 blue connections: The organization search engines used to show search results; ten natural results all showing up in a similar configuration.

Black hat: Search engine improvement rehearses that disregard Google’s quality guidelines.

Creeping: The procedure by which search engines find your site pages.

De-indexed: Refers to a page or gathering of pages being expelled from Google’s list.

Featured snippets: Organic answer boxes that show up at the head of SERPs for specific questions.

Google My Business posting: A free posting accessible to nearby organizations.

Image carousels: Image results in some SERPs that are scrollable from left to right.

Indexing: The putting away and arranging of substance discovered during slithering.

Intent: with regards to SEO, expectation alludes to what clients truly need from the words they composed into the search bar.

KPI: A “key execution pointer” is a quantifiable worth that demonstrates how well a movement is accomplishing an objective.

Local pack: A pack of normally three nearby professional references that show up for neighborhood goal searches, for example, “oil change close to me.”

Organic: An earned arrangement in search results, rather than paid promotions.

People Also Ask boxes: A crate in some SERPs highlighting a rundown of inquiries identified with the inquiry and their answers.

Query: Words composed into the search bar.

Ranking: Ordering search results by pertinence to the inquiry.

Search engine: A data recovery program that searches for things in a database that coordinate the solicitation contribution by the client. Models: Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

SERP features: Results showed in a non-standard organization.

SERP: Stands for “search engine results page” — the page you see subsequent to leading a search.

Traffic: Visits to a site.

URL: Uniform Resource Locators are the areas or addresses for singular bits of substance on the web.
Website admin guidelines: Guidelines distributed via search engines like Google and Bing to help webpage proprietors make content that will be found, filed, and perform well in search results.

White hat: Search engine enhancement rehearses that conform to Google’s quality guidelines.

Section 2: How Search Engines Work – Crawling, Indexing, and Ranking

2xx status codes: A class of status codes that demonstrate the solicitation for a page has succeeded.

4xx status codes: A class of status codes that demonstrate the solicitation for a page brought about the blunder.

5xx status codes: A class of status codes that demonstrate the worker’s powerlessness to play out the solicitation.

Advanced search operators: Special characters and orders you can type into the search bar to additionally determine your inquiry.

Algorithms: A procedure or equation by which put away data is recovered and requested in significant manners.

Backlinks: Or “inbound connections” are joins from different sites that highlight your site.

Bots: Also known as “crawlers” or “bugs,” these are what scour the Internet to discover content.

Caching: A spared adaptation of your website page.

Caffeine: Google’s web ordering framework. Caffeine is the list, or assortment of web content, while Googlebot is the crawler that goes out and finds the substance.

Citations: Also known as a “professional resource,” a reference is an electronic reference to a nearby business’ name, address, and telephone number (NAP).

Cloaking: Showing diverse substances to search engines than you show to human guests.

Crawler budget: The normal number of pages a search engine bot will slither on your site.

Crawler directives: Instructions to the crawler in regards to what you need it to creep and record on your site.

Distance: with regards to the nearby pack, separation alludes to closeness or the area of the searcher or potentially the area indicated in the inquiry.

Engagement: Data that speaks to how searchers connect with your site from search results.

Google search console: Published guidelines from Google itemizing strategies that are taboo since they are noxious as well as expected to control search results.

Google Search Console: A free program gave by Google that permits site proprietors to screen how their site is getting along in search.

HTML: Hypertext markup language is the language used to make pages.

Index Coverage report: A report in Google Search Console that shows you the indexation status of your site’s pages.

Index: An immense database of all the substance search engine crawlers have found and consider adequate to serve up to searchers.

Internal links: Links on your own site that highlight your different pages on a similar site.

JavaScript: A programming language that adds dynamic components to static website pages.

Login formes: Refers to pages that require login validation before a guest can get to the substance.

Manual penalty: Refers to a Google “Manual Action” where a human analyst has decided certain pages on your site disregard Google’s quality guidelines.

Meta robots tag: Pieces of code that give crawlers guidelines on how to creep or record site page content.

Navigation: A rundown of connections that assist guests with exploring to different pages on your site. Regularly, these show up in a rundown at the head of your site (“top route”), as an afterthought section of your site (“side route”), or at the base of your site (“footer route”).

NoIndex tag: A meta label that guidelines a search engine not to list the page it’s on.

PageRank: A part of Google’s center calculation. It is a connection investigation program that appraises the significance of a website page by estimating the quality and amount of connections highlighting it.

Personalization: Refers to the manner in which a search engine will change an individual’s results on factors one of a kind to them, for example, their area and search history.

Prominence: with regards to the neighborhood pack, conspicuousness alludes to organizations that are notable and popular in reality.

RankBrain: the AI segment of Google’s center calculation that alters positioning by advancing the most important, supportive results.

Relevance: with regards to the nearby pack, importance is the means by which well a neighborhood business matches what the searcher is searching for

Robots.txt: Files that recommend which parts of your site search engines ought to and shouldn’t slither.

Search forms: Refers to search capacities or search bars on a site that assists clients with discovering pages on that site.

Search Quality Rater Guidelines: Guidelines for human raters that work for Google to decide the nature of genuine website pages.

Sitemap: A rundown of URLs on your site that crawlers can use to find and file your substance.

Spammy tactics: Like “dark hat,” malicious strategies are those that abuse search engine quality guidelines.

URL folders: Sections of a site happening after the TLD (“.com”), isolated by cuts (“/”). For instance, in “” we could state “/blog” is an envelope.

URL parameters: Information following a question mark that is affixed to a URL to change the page’s substance (dynamic boundary) or track data (inactive boundary).

X-robots-tag: Like meta robots labels, this tag gives crawlers guidelines on how to creep or record page content.

Section 3: Keyword Research

Ambiguous intent: Refers to a search expression where the objective of the searcher is indistinct and requires further particular.

Business examination inquiries: A question where the searcher needs to contrast items with locating the one that best suits them.

Informational queries: An inquiry where the searcher is searching for data, for example, the response to an inquiry.

Keyword Difficulty: At Moz, Keyword Difficulty is a gauge, as a numerical score, of how troublesome it is for a site to outrank their rivals.

Keyword Explorer: A Moz device for the top to bottom watchword research and disclosure.

Local queries: An inquiry where the searcher is searching for something in a particular area, for example, “coffeehouses close to me” or “rec centers in Brooklyn.”

Long-tail keywords: Longer inquiries, normally those containing multiple words. Demonstrative of their length, they are frequently more explicit than short-tail inquiries.

Navigational queries: An inquiry where the searcher is attempting to get to a specific area, for example, the Moz blog (inquiry = “Moz blog”).

Regional keywords: Refers to watchwords one of a kind to a particular region. Use Google Trends, for instance, to see whether “pop” or “pop” is the more famous term in Kansas.

Search volume: The occasions a watchword was searched. Numerous watchword research apparatuses show an expected month to month search volume.

Seasonal trends: Refers to the prevalence of watchwords after some time, for example, “Halloween ensembles” being most famous the prior week October 31.

Seed keywords: The term we use to depict the essential words that portray the item or administration you give.

Transactional queries: The searcher needs to make a move, for example, purchase something. On the off chance that watchword types sat in the advertising channel, conditional questions would be at the base.

Section 4: On-Site Optimization

Alt-text: Alternative content is the content in HTML code that portrays the pictures on website pages.

Anchor text: The content with which you connect to pages.

Auto-generated content: Content that is made automatically, not composed by people.

Duplicate content: Content that is shared between areas or between numerous pages of a solitary space.

Geographic modifiers: Terms that portray a physical area or administration territory. For instance, “pizza” isn’t geo-altered, however “pizza in Seattle” is.

Header tags: A HTML component used to assign headings on your page.

Image compression: The demonstration of accelerating website pages by making picture document sizes littler without corrupting the picture’s quality.

Image sitemap: A sitemap containing just the picture URLs on a site.

Keyword stuffing: A nasty strategy including the abuse of significant catchphrases and their variations in your substance and connections.

Link accessibility: The straightforwardness with which a connection can be found by human guests or crawlers.

Link value: The worth or authority a connection can go to its goal.

Link volume: The number of connections on a page.

Local business schema: Structured information markup set on a page that helps search engines comprehend data about a business.

Meta descriptions: HTML components that depict the substance of the page that they’re on. Google now and again utilizes these as the depiction line in search result pieces.

Panda: A Google calculation update that focused bad quality substance.

Protocol: The “Http” or “https” going before your space name. This oversees how information is transferred between the worker and the program.

Redirection: When a URL is moved starting with one area then onto the next. Regularly, redirection is perpetual (301 divert).

Rel=canonical: A label that permits website proprietors to reveal to Google which rendition of a site page is the first and which are the copies.

Scraped content: Taking substance from sites that you don’t claim and republishing it without consent on your own site.

SSL certificate: A “Safe Sockets Layer” is utilized to encode information that went between the web worker and the program of the searcher.

Thin content: Content that increases the value of the guest.

Thumbnails: Image thumbnails are a little form of a bigger picture.

Title tag: A HTML component that determines the title of a page.

Section 5: Technical Optimization

AMP: Often portrayed as “diet HTML,” Accelerated mobile pages (AMP) are intended to make the review experience extremely quick for portable guests.

Async: Short for “offbeat,” async implies that the program doesn’t need to trust that an assignment will complete before moving onto the following one while amassing your website page.

Browser: An internet browser, similar to Chrome or Firefox, is programming that permits you to get to data on the web. At the point when you make a solicitation in your program (ex: “”), you’re teaching your program to recover the resources important to deliver that page on your gadget.

Bundling: To consolidate numerous resources into a solitary resource.

ccTLD: Short for “country code top-level domain,” ccTLD alludes to areas related to nations. For instance, .ru is the perceived ccTLD for Russia.

Customer side and worker side rendering: Client-side and worker side delivering allude to where the code runs. Customer side methods the record is executed in the program. Worker side methods the records are executed at the worker and the worker sends them to the program in their completely delivered state.

Critical rendering path: The arrangement of stages program experiences to change over HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into a distinguishable site page.

CSS: A Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is the code that makes a site look a specific way (ex: textual styles and hues).

DNS: A Domain Name Server (DNS) permits space names (ex: “”) to be connected to IP addresses (ex: “”). DNS basically makes an interpretation of space names into IP addresses with the goal that programs can stack the page’s resources.

DOM: The Document Object Model (DOM) is the structure of an HTML record — it characterizes how that archive can be gotten to and changed by things like JavaScript.

Domain name registrar: An organization that deals with the booking of web space names. Model: GoDaddy.

Faceted navigation: Often utilized on internet business sites, faceted routes offer various arranging and separating alternatives to help guests all the more effectively find the URL they’re searching for out of a pile of thousands or even a huge number of URLs. For instance, you could sort an attire page by value: low to high, or channel the page to see just estimate: little.

Fetch and Render tool: An apparatus accessible in Google Search Console that permits you to see a website page how Google sees it.

File compression: The way toward encoding data utilizing fewer bits; diminishing the size of the record. There is a wide range of pressure procedures.

Hreflang: A label that demonstrates to Google which language the substance is in. This assists Google with serving the fitting language adaptation of your page to individuals searching in that language.

IP address: A internet protocol (IP) address is a series of numbers that’s one of a kind to every particular site. We allocate space names to IP addresses since they’re simpler for people to recollect (ex: “”) yet the web needs these numbers to discover sites.

JSON-LD: JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data (JSON-LD) is an organization for organizing your information. For instance, can be executed in various organizations, JSON-LD is only one of them, however, it is the configuration favored by Google.

Lazy loading: A method of conceding the stacking of an article until it’s required. This technique is regularly used to improve page speed.

Minification: To minify something intends to expel whatever number of pointless characters from the source code as could reasonably be expected without changing usefulness. Though pressure makes something littler, minification really expels things.

Mobile-first indexing: Google started logically moving sites over to portable first ordering in 2018. This change implies that Google creeps and lists your pages dependent on their portable form as opposed to their work area rendition.

Pagination: A site proprietor can pick to part a page into different parts in succession, like pages in the book. This can be particularly useful on exceptionally enormous pages. The signs of a paginated page are the rel=”next” and rel=”prev” labels, demonstrating where each page falls in the more noteworthy grouping. These labels assist Google with understanding that the pages ought to have united connection properties and that searchers ought to be sent to the main page in the succession.

Programming language: Writing guidelines in a way a PC can comprehend. For instance, JavaScript is a programming language that includes dynamic (not-static) components to a website page.

Rendering: The procedure of a program transforming a site’s code into a distinguishable page.

Render-blocking scripts: A content that powers your program to hold back to be gotten before the page can be delivered. Render-blocking contents can include extra trips there and back before your program can completely deliver a page.

Responsive design: Google’s favored plan design for portable well-disposed sites, responsive structure permits the site to adjust to fit whatever gadget it’s being seen on.

Rich snippet: A scrap is the title and depiction see that Google and other search engines show of URLs on its results page. A “rich” piece, along these lines, is an improved rendition of the standard scrap. Some rich pieces can be empowered by the utilization of organized information markup, similar to audit markup showing as rating stars close to those URLs in the search results. Code that “folds over” components of your page to give extra data about it to the search engine. Information utilizing is alluded to as “organized” instead of “unstructured” — at the end of the day, sorted out as opposed to chaotic.

srcset: Like a responsive plan for pictures, SRCSET demonstrates which form of the picture to show for various circumstances.

Structured Data: Another approach to state “sorted out” information (rather than sloppy). is an approach to structure your information, for instance, by marking it with extra data that enables the search engine to get it.

Section 6: Link Building and Establishing Authority

10x content: Coined by Rand Fishkin to portray content that is “10x better” than all else on the web for that equivalent subject.

Amplification: Sharing or getting the message out about your image; frequently utilized with regards to online networking, paid promotions, and influencer advertising.

DA: Domain Authority (DA) is a Moz metric used to anticipate an area’s positioning capacity; best utilized as a relative measurement (ex: contrasting a site’s DA score with that of its immediate rivals).

Deindexed: When a URL, segment of URLs, or a whole space has been expelled from a search engine record. This can occur for various reasons, for example, when a site gets a manual punishment for abusing Google’s quality guidelines.

Directory links: “Catalog” with regards to nearby SEO is a total rundown of neighborhood organizations, as a rule including every business’ name, address, telephone number (NAP), and other data like their site. “Index” can likewise allude to a sort of unnatural connection that disregards Google’s guidelines: “inferior quality catalog or bookmark site joins.”

Editorial links: When connections are earned normally and given out independently (instead of paid for or pressured), they are viewed as a publication.

Fresh Web Explorer: A Moz tool that permits you to filter the web for notices of a particular word or expression, for example, your image name.

Follow: The default condition of a connection, “follow” joins pass PageRank.

Google Analytics: A free (with a choice to pay for redesigned highlights) device that enables site proprietors to get knowledge into how individuals are drawing in with their site. A few instances of reports you can find in Google Analytics incorporate obtaining reports that show what channels your guests are originating from, and change reports that show the rate at which individuals are finishing objectives (ex: structure fills) on your site.

Google search operators: Special content that can be affixed to your question to additionally indicate what kinds of results you’re searching for. For instance, including “site:” before an area name can restore a rundown of all (or many) recorded pages on said space.

Guest blogging: Often utilized as an external link establishment system, visitor blogging includes pitching an article (or thought for an article) to a distribution in the expectations that they will highlight your substance and permit you to incorporate a connection back to your site. Simply be cautious, however. Enormous scope visitor posting efforts with catchphrase rich grapple text joins are an infringement of Google’s quality guidelines.

Link building: While “building” seems like this movement includes making connections to your site yourself, external link establishment really portrays the way toward gaining connections to your site to manufacture your site’s clout in search engines.

Link exchange: Also known as equal connecting, interface trades include “you connect to me and I’ll connect to you” strategies. Over the top connection, trades are an infringement of Google’s quality guidelines.

Link Explorer: Moz’s instrument for interface revelation and investigation.

Link profile: A term used to depict all the inbound connects to a select space, subdomain, or URL.

Linked unstructured citations: References to a business’ finished or incomplete contact data on a non-registry stage (like online news, web journals, best-of records, and so forth.)

MozBar: A module accessible for the Chrome program that permits you to handily see measurements for the chose page, similar to DA, PA, title tag, and the sky is the limit from there.

NoFollow: Links increased with rel=”nofollow” don’t pass PageRank. Google empowers the utilization of these in certain circumstances, similar to when a connection has been paid for.

PA: Similar to DA, Page Authority (PA) predicts an individual page’s positioning capacity.

Purchased links: Exchanging cash, or something different of significant worth, for a connection. In the event that a connection is bought, it comprises a commercial and ought to be treated with a nofollow tag so it doesn’t pass PageRank.

Qualified traffic: When traffic is “qualified,” it, for the most part, implies that the visit is pertinent to the expected subject of the page, and in this way, the guest is bound to locate the substance valuable and convert.

Referral Traffic: Traffic sent to a site from another site. For instance, if your site is getting visits from individuals tapping on your site from a connection on Facebook, Google Analytics will quality that traffic as “” in the Source/Medium report.

Resource pages: Commonly utilized with the end goal of third party referencing, resource pages regularly contain a rundown of supportive connects to different sites. In the event that your business sells email advertising programming, for instance, you could look into showcasing intitle: “resources” and connect with the proprietors of said destinations to check whether they would remember a connection to your site for their page.

Sentiment: How individuals feel about your image.

Spam Score: A Moz metric used to measure a space’s general danger of punishment by utilizing a progression of banners that are profoundly related to punished locales

Unnatural links: Google depicts unnatural connections as “making joins that weren’t editorially positioned or vouched for by the webpage’s proprietor on a page.” This is an infringement of their guidelines and could warrant a punishment against the culpable site.

Section 7: Measuring, Prioritizing, and Executing SEO

API: An application programming interface (API) takes into consideration the formation of uses by getting to the highlights or information of another help like a working framework or application.

Bounce rate: The level of absolute visits that didn’t bring about an auxiliary activity on your site. For instance, in the event that somebody visited your landing page and, at that point left before survey whatever other pages, that would be a skipped meeting.

Channel: The various vehicles by which you can get consideration and procure traffic, for example, natural search and web-based life.

Click through rate: The proportion of impressions to taps on your URLs.

Conversion rate: The proportion of visits to transformations. Change rate answers what number of my site guests are rounding out my structures, calling, pursuing my bulletin, and so on.?

Qualified lead: If you utilize your site to urge possible clients to get in touch with you through call or structure, a “lead” is each get in touch with you get. Not those leads will become clients, however “qualified” leads are applicable possibilities that have a high probability of turning out to be paying clients.

Google Analytics goals: What activities would you say you are trusting individuals take on your site? Whatever your answer, you can set those up as objectives in Google Analytics to follow your transformation rate.

Google Tag Manager: A solitary center point for dealing with the various site following codes.

Googlebot/Bingbot: How significant search engines like Google and Bing creep the web; their “crawlers” or “arachnids.”

Kanban: A planning framework.

Pages per session: Also alluded to as “page profundity,” pages per meeting portray the normal number of pages individuals perspective on your site in a solitary meeting.

Page speed: Page speed is comprised of various similarly significant characteristics, for example, first contentful/important paint and time to intuitive.

Pruning: In an SEO setting, pruning ordinarily alludes to expelling bad quality pages so as to build the nature of the site generally speaking.

Scroll depth: A technique for following how far guests are looking down your pages.

Scrum board: A strategy for monitoring undertakings that should be finished to achieve a bigger objective.

Search traffic: Visits sent to your sites from search engines like Google.

Time on page: The measure of time somebody spent on your page before clicking to the following page. Since Google Analytics tracks time on page by when somebody clicks your next page, ricocheted meetings will clock a period on the page of 0.

UTM code: An urchin tracking module (UTM) is a straightforward code that you can attach to the furthest limit of your URL to follow extra insights regarding the snap, for example, its source, medium, and battle name.


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