How social media marketing helps businesses?


Studies suggest that there will be more than 3 billion social media users in the world by 2021. For marketers, that’s not just 3 billion people, but 3 billion opportunities. Businesses realize the power of social media marketing and are investing hundreds of thousands of rupees and invaluable man hours in designing and implement their social media strategy. Social media is a goldmine for marketers who now have a platform to target customers from around the world. There are more benefits of social media marketing than you could imagine. Let’s take a look at some ways in which social media marketing benefits businesses.

1.Improved brand awareness and exposure

Learn Social Media Marketing and Utilize to create  buzz surrounding your brand. To get people talking, upload informative, interesting, and thought provoking content at regular intervals to your pages. Before a product or service launch, use your social media profiles to build anticipation. Create interesting stories that your target audience can relate to around your brand. Social media gives you an opportunity to bond with your existing customers and target audience like never before. To make the most of the opportunity, design and implement a social media marketing strategy that is aligned with your business goals.

2.Customer loyalty

Businesses can no longer afford to ignore customers. As a part of their efforts to improve customer service, companies are taking to social media to resolve customer complaints. Service ninjas keep an eye on their company’s social media pages, communicating with customers who are facing problems with their recent or past purchase.When customers get a solution to their problems in a timely manner they are more likely to stick to the brand for a long period.

3.Access to new markets

Social media helps marketers transcend geographical barriers and find new markets. Thanks to social media, the whole world is one big marketplace now. Businesses that were unable to cater to buyers from a different location now have a platform that can give wings to their aspirations to go global.

4.More website traffic

An effective social media strategy can help generate quality backlinks. Expert marketers know the importance of engaging their audience and post informational yet interesting content to their profiles regularly. To spike interest, marketers focus on sharing visual content. When a business’s target audience finds their social media profile interesting the likeliness of them checking out their website increases, which in turn brings the company one step closer to getting one more customer.

Get Social Media Marketing Certification and start working with helps businesses. To reap these benefits, businesses need to come up with a custom social media strategy that focuses on addressing pain points and opening doors to new opportunities.


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